Different Uses of Slogging Spanner and Slogging Hammer

The task of tightening or loosening large bolts and nuts manually is generally a two-person operation. But now, it has been halved. By using slogging spanners and slogging hammers, fasteners can be easily tightened or loosened. In today’s blog, we’ll cover the uses of slogging wrenches and hammers.

Uses of Slogging Spanner Set and Slogging Hammer

Slogging spanner manufacturers manufacture slogging wrenches using high-quality material. Traditional slogging wrenches are also called stubby and short spanners and they can remove stubborn bolts.

  • Slogging spanners are designed to be used with slogging hammers to tighten or loosen nuts and bolts.
  • These tools are suitable to untighten stubborn fasteners as they pass high pressure and vibration through to the bolt or nut when hit with a hammer.
  • They are used to provide high torque, making them appropriate for heavy-duty applications where other tools may not meet requirements.
  • They are versatile and used on different types of fasteners, including square, hexagonal, and round bolts and nuts.
  • They come in different shapes and sizes, including slogging ring spanners and hammering spanners of the ring that are designed to fit different types of nuts and bolts.
  • They are usually made from durable materials such as chrome vanadium steel that can bear heavy use and resist corrosion.
  • These tools can save you time by allowing you to apply more pressure with less effort can increase the productivity of your work and minimize the risk of injury from overexertion.

The Slogging Hammer is safer and more effective than a traditional hammer because it only requires one person and has more energy available for work. Directer impact makes the advantages more noticeable right away, especially in constrained or challenging applications. The Slogging Hammer is an inexpensive addition to any work site because it works with the majority of slogging spanners.

Is Slogging Spanner Different from a Regular Wrench?

  • Slogging spanners are used to provide high torque to nuts and bolts by striking them with a hammer. On the other hand, a regular spanner is based on manual force to turn the nuts or bolts.
  • Most commonly, slogging spanners are used in heavy-duty applications whereas regular spanners can’t offer sufficient torque or leverage.
  • Construction is one of the primary differences between a slogging wrench and a regular spanner. Slogging wrenches are made of a material that is thicker and durable like chrome vanadium steel, unlike the regular spanners which makes it robust enough to bear the impact of hammer blows.
  • Slog wrenches are larger and heavier as compared to regular wrenches. However, the long handle of the slogging spanner and flat striking surface make it easy to apply torque to the fastener and minimize the risk of damage or slippage.

Different Types of Spanners

The following are the most common types of wrenches available on the market:

• Double open-end spanner short pattern

• Double open-end spanner long pattern

• Bihexagonal ring spanner deep offset

• Bihexagonal ring spanner shallow offset

• Bihexagonal ring spanners

• Double ended ring spanners

• Gas spanner

• Combination spanner

• Stubby spanner

• Single-ended ring spanner

• Single open-end spanner

• Double open-end spanner

• Single-ended open-jaw slogging spanner

• C type halfmoon wrench

• S-type obstruction wrench

• Flair nut wrench

• Bihexagonal ring slogging spanner

These are a few spanner types and you can buy a set of spanners as per your project’s requirements. Apart from this, when buying any type of spanner, make sure to check its size, material used, brand, and other specifications.

Safety Tips When Using a Slogging Spanner Set

  • Wear PPE (personal protection equipment) at all times, such as safety goggles, gloves, and steel-toed boots.
  • Before using the wrench, make sure it is in good shape. Examine it for any damage that can jeopardise its integrity, such as cracks or worn-out components.
  • Pick the appropriate wrench size for the task at hand because employing a wrench of the incorrect size might be risky.
  • Make sure it is firmly in place before using it. The wrench needs to be firmly positioned around the bolt or nut to prevent slippage.
  • Avoid using them to hammer anything; instead, use them strictly for the intended function.
  • To reduce the risk of trips and falls, keep the work area tidy and clutter-free.


Now, you know different uses of slogging spanner along with slogging hammer. Make sure to consider the quality and brand of the tool before buying. You can trust hand tools manufacturers Ajay Industries as we are a well-reputed company, and we manufacture high-quality products to ensure a longer service life of the product.

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